Why Automation?

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i-Rumalise Your Property

Automation is in our core, focusing on giving all residents 24/7 service with the aim of reducing the staff needed at the management office to the bare minimum.

Most day-to-day tasks in management office are still done manually.

Common Issues
With Property Management Today


Condominiums now have too many systems in place that do not integrate with each other, causing manual work to be excessive.


As complaints are taken manually, management office may take some time to pass the complaint to someone to attend to.


Lack of transparency as most management office only relies on notice board for dissemination of information. If the committee spends hundreds of thousands, residents will only know it in the next AGM.


Urgent notices or matters (such as SOP for MCO) cannot be sent to all residents in a quick manner.


Usage of admin staff to record payments will be open to fraud and errors. So many condominiums or commercial buildings faced misappropriation of funds


Current systems in the market only functions as a tool but still relies on manual management office.

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Why Automation?

In any line of business, after sales service is very important.
Management Office may have been handed over to JMB/MC, But if not done right from developer’s time,
this will stain developer’s name.
Even if it’s not the developer’s concern, the public may think otherwise

Higher density condominiums will be easier to handle as the system can handle high volume of residents.

Hiring too many staff in Management Office may make the property’s maintenance fee too high and unattractive to buyers. Developers can focus on core business activity.

I-Ruma to handle it all, no need for any manual work to combine data between different systems.

Once complaint is received, through our state-of-the-art workflows, the person in charge will be notified 24/7.

I-Ruma shows all usage of money live for all residents to see E-notice board will be online, notification can be sent to all residents. If payment is made by owner through system, receipt will be auto generated and proper accounts entry made, no need for someone to manually enter anything.

I-Ruma aims to replace staff. It works 24/7, no MC, no leave and no disruptions.

Ready to digitalize your
property management workflow?

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